Hard to believe another year has already gone by! I kicked off 2015 with a bang, and am looking to do so again for 2016! With a full year of blogging since that post, I can't tell you how much fun it has been. I've really enjoyed reviewing and sharing running gear that I really like, and also doing what I can to share healthy eating related topics and recipes.
And, I have really appreciated all of you that have been following my blog for the past year, following on Twitter, and liking the Barefoot Inclined Facebook page. Which is why I am so excited to host the ultimate giveaway to get 2016 off to a great start, showcasing my favorite gear and vendors from 2015, and the amazing things from those companies I represent as a proud ambassador!
Southpark Trail Marathon HPRS |
But, before I jump to the giveaways, I just wanted to give a little recap of the year. I had a number of goals for the year, but first and foremost was to continue my journey to better health through clean eating, and also to continue participating in trail ultra marathons. Over the year, I've maintained my weight, and continue to eat clean. I've lost more pounds than I care to think about over the course of my life, but it has always come back. This is by far the longest I've maintained, and that feels great. How did it happen? Simply by no longer dieting. Dieting implies a short term plan, whereas a change in lifestyle is forever. I know I have a ways to go, but focusing on whole, organic, non-processed foods as much as possible has made this change possible. My goal for 2016? I am hoping to move forward another step by slowly working my way down another 15 lbs or so... I know I will certainly feel that in my quest for longer distance running.
Chase the Moon 12 Hour.. 41.2 miles done! |
TommyKnocker's Ultras 105K HPRS |
I had really hoped to hit my goal of a 100K in 2015, but instead I had two "firsts"... my first DFL (last place), and my first DNF (Did not finish.. or did nothing fatal!) The DFL was at Southpark, which was a tough climb! I loved it though, and was well rewarded in the Human Potential Running Series fashion with the leftover aid station moonshine, and $50 gift certificate to Runners Roost!
The DNF was during my first attempt at 100K... made it just short of 45 miles, and made the call to drop after overheating and freaking myself out.. more on that HERE.
Oh... and how could I forget! In 2015 I had the great fortune to spend the year representing Carson Footwear, Fuel 100, Switch Sunglasses, Orange Mud, and Human Potential Running Series as an Ambassador!! I can't tell you how great it is to be involved with these companies, the amazing products/races they have, and the incredible fellow ambassadors I've got to know... I am very lucky indeed :-)
Ok ok... enough about me and the blah blah blah... let's get on with the HUGE giveaway to kick this year off!
Below are brief recaps of some of the reviews I've done over the last year, and an opportunity for me to give back, thanks to the generosity of all the great folks I've worked with and represented over the last year. I have a separate giveaway for each, so you have tons of opportunities to win!
Each giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. (and in some cases, Canada or elsewhere, and will be noted). I will run these until 10PM MST, Friday January 15th, 2016... so enter early and often!
First up, Carson Footwear!! I did my first review on the Carson Footwear Iguana's just about a year ago, and you can check it out HERE. What can I say... I love these shoes. So comfortable and the perfect trail runners for me. In addition the the Iguanas, I've since added the Stingers above, and the Red Zombie Racers!
And, thanks to Everett Carson, and Carson Footwear, I'm giving away one pair of Carson's in the style of your choice, so check it out!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
As you already know, I love being an ambassador for the Human Potential Running Series. Sherpa John is an awesome race director, and is truly building an ultra running community here that embraces all of us... check out more in my past blog post HERE.
That being said, I am really excited about the new format for the TommyKnocker Ultras this year. Read all about it HERE, and also make sure to enter below for a free entry to the race ($95 value) and come run this crazy fun 12-hour event with me!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ah yes... Switch sunglasses.. I never leave home without them! The interchangeable lenses on the H-Wall's and the weather protection of the Storm Riders are awesome... love these on the trail and anywhere outdoors.
I love being part of the Switch team, and I'm stoked to be able to give away one pair of any design they offer (non-prescription), so enter below and start checking out your favorite style!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Anyway, thanks to Fuel 100 Electro-Bites, I have a baker's dozen mix of Electro-Bites for THREE lucky winners, so enter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ok... if you've been hanging around with me long enough, you know that I never seem to shut up about Orange Mud! I was an ambassador before they started the program! :-) My go to pack for hydration, for short runs or long hauls... Orange Mud has me covered. In addition to the Hydraquivers (Single, Double, VP2), OM keeps me rolling with great accessories/bottles/headgear as well!
Thanks to Orange Mud, I've got a terrific beanie for you.. just like the one above... well, not all artsy like that.. but one like THIS. So enter right now!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ok... now it's time to shift over to the "huarache" portion of our program! I love to run in sandals, especially in the Colorado summer time. I've reviewed a lot of different sandals over the years, and there are really a lot of great choices out there!
First up is Earth Runners.. I've worked with Mike since he started his company way back in 2012 when I tested his original Quantums... and most recently, the Circadian-X's last February. I just found out that some new laces are about to be released at the end of the month, so Mike has offered to provide a new pair of sandals in the style of your choice, with the new laces at the end of January! Thanks Mike and Earthrunners!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Also last February, I reviewed the Mountain Goat and Warrior sandals from a new company, Shamma Sandals. I was happy to reconnect with Josh at Shamma recently, and to hear that things are going well for Shamma. As a matter of fact, I am trying out a new lacing system and footbed from Shamma now with a review to come later. Also, they are working on a revamp of their website which should be completed soon as well. Josh has offered up a pair of sandals in the style of your choice with the new laces... thanks Josh!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Still with me? Getting tired from all the entering? Push on.. you can do it! But if you get so tired, you drop your phone, no worries if you have a case from Beeline! Last May I reviewed these ruggedly awesome cases for iPhones.. check out the review HERE.
These cases are not only rugged, they provide the utmost in drop protection by NOT letting your phone HIT THE GROUND! Ingenious... get yours!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And... I've just learned that I am able to giveaway not 1.. not 2.. but TEN (10) pairs of ThinOPTICS to you all! And, each pair comes with the life time replacement, so the last pair you will need! Trust me.. if you use reading glasses and have a smart phone.. you will love these!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Woo hoo! The finish line is in sight!! Two more to go!
As you know, I had an amazing time at the US Trail Running Conference in Estes Park last October, and you can read about it HERE. This was the third annual conference, hosted by Terry Chiplin and Active at Altitude. And, the 2016 conference looks to be even better! Terry let me know that they are in the midst of a re-brand and a new website which hopefully will be up by the end of the month. I can't wait to get back there this year. The Conference will run from Sept 28-October 1 2016 and Terry has been kind enough to provide me with a 1 day pass for Saturday October 1st... I'll be there, and hope to see you there as well!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Speaking of trail running, Greenland Trail 50K was my first ultra back in 2014, so I have a lot of great memories. I also ran it again last year and wasn't disappointed.. a great race for a first ultra. But don't take my word for it... if you want to give it a go (50K, 25K, or 8M), enter below for a free entry courtesy of the great folks at Colorado Runner Events!
Wow... there you have it... a wrap on 2015 and a huge kickoff to 2016! Thanks again for tuning in.. I am really looking forward to another great year of running and blogging!
Happy trails!